Friday, March 30, 2012

My First Podcast

I created a podcast for the very time today.  It's rough, it's elementary, but I have least started down the path, and can now refine and improve my skills!  I had a good time working with my sophomore English students and talking about how they use technology.  I learned a lot about how they use technology, and the best part was that we made this together, and now plans are in place for our next class podcast.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Exploring the Framework for 21st Century Learning Website

The Framework for 21st Century Learning  website is new to me.  This organization's mission is to ready every student for the 21st Century by helping provide tools and resources.  I found the P21 website to be an exciting combination of resources, information, and news about 21st Century Learning.  There is much to explore, but following are a few areas I found thought provoking:

In the Overview section, I really like the graphic of the Framework for 21st Century Learning.  It is clear and effective in describing how the 21st Century skills fit like an umbrella over the core subjects, but how everything is blended as well.  The Learning and Innovation Skills -- the Four C's -- are exactly what we have been reading about in our course studies.

I was very impressed by the list of the Strategic Council Members, including Apple, Verizon, Dell, Pearson, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and many more from various aspects of the business world.  These are ‘heavy hitters,’ which speaks to the increasing importance being placed on 21st Century Skills.

The Tools and Resources section for Educators provides a plethora of PDF files and materials, including self assessment tools and implementation guides.

I am also eager to explore Route 21, which will help me start a plan of action.  This looks like a great area to get started on what my district can do with 21st century skills.

Under State Initiatives, I noticed my state of Minnesota is not one of the members.  State governors have to apply for membership, as well as submit the state’s plan of how it will use the three Rs and the four Cs within their standards.  It is apparent that more and more importance is being placed on these skills as states embrace this P21 organization.  I will be anxiously awaiting news that Minnesota has joined the movement officially. 

One gets the impression when visiting this site that this is 'cutting edge,' that the P21 movement is going to explode, resulting in huge changes for our students and schools.  It is exciting to feel like I am a part of it.  

Saturday, March 3, 2012

21st Century Learning in Rural Schools

As a part of my Master's Program in Integrating Technology in the Classroom, I have created this blog for anyone interested in enhancing education in the small rural schools through the use of technology.  This blog's purpose is to share ideas about what teachers are doing in the small districts where budgets are limited but creativity is not!  I am interested in hearing about what works best for you, what challenges you're facing, and how we can all help each other with ideas and helpful websites.